How to Lose Belly Fat While Walking and Running

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This article deals with losing belly fat by walking and running. All fat is not equal. There are two types of belly fat in the body:

  1. Subcutaneous belly fat: Layers of fat that sit under the skin is called Subcutaneous. This fat doesn’t look great but has fewer health problems.

  • Visceral belly fat: This fat lies beneath the abdominal wall. Visceral fat collects in the spaces around the organs resulting in the area becoming tight, which pushes out the waistline. This causes heart disease and diabetes.

Importance of Walking to Lose Belly Fat

Walking is an effective method to lose weight or burn calories. It is one of the easiest exercises to lose your belly fat. It also gets your heart pumping and strengthens your legs. Even the risky fat such as visceral fat can be burned by 45 minutes of brisk walking.

To burn one pound of fat, you need to burn 3500 calories. That is almost 14 hours of walking, and walking burns 200 to 300 calories per hour. Eat healthily. Keep control over what you eat, e.g., a blended coffee increases your calories by 600 for which you have to walk for 2 to 3 hours.

If you consume a burger with a lot of cheese, it increases your calories by 300 for which you have to walk for 1 to 2 hours. Your walking exercise should be 45 minutes with a heart rate of 65% to 70% of intensity. If your heart rate is below 60%, then you have to increase the intensity to burn your fat.

Types of Walking to Lose Belly Fat

  • Distance and Time: To make your body work harder, walk briskly for longer distances. Add extra minutes and length to your walking every day. By this, you will lose your excess stored fat by these walking minutes every day.

  • Walk Faster: Walk faster by powerful strides, good posture, and arm motion. Even if you are going for short distances, try to walk more quickly than your normal speed. Try to challenge yourself by walking faster and complete the distance with lesser time.

  • Climb Hills or Stairs: Climbing hills or stairs is an intense workout. This helps you to lose more fat in your body. There is no need to walk briskly on the hills; you can walk with your normal speed.

  • Power Walk: This is a balanced walk that is strong. It begins with a comfortable speed walk for 2 to 3 minutes as a warm-up. Walk, maintaining a steady level at an intensity of 5 to 6 until you finish your day’s session. Cool-down by walking at a leisurely speed for 3 to 5 minutes.

  • High-Intensity Interval Training or HIIT Walk: Warm-up by walking for 2 to 3 minutes at a comfortable speed. Then start your HIIT walking—three minutes brisk walking at an intensity of 5 to 6. Power walk for 1 minute at an intensity of 8 to 9. Finally, cool-down by walking for 3 to 5 minutes.

  • Easy walk: It is essential to keep your fitness routine balanced, so do not overdo it. It is necessary to have a recovery walk i.e., easy walk. An enjoyable walk acts as a stress buster. According to studies, stress relief works very well in reducing belly-fat, causing cortisol levels. Your easy walk should be enjoyable and comfortable at an intensity of 3 to 4.

The Following is 6 Weeks Walking Plan to burn Belly Fat

Week One:

  • Monday: HIIT walk for 15 minutes
  • Tuesday: Power walk for 30 minutes
  • Wednesday: Rest day
  • Thursday: HIIT walk for 15 minutes
  • Friday: Easy walk for 15 minutes
  • Saturday: Rest Day
  • Sunday: Rest day

Week Two:

  • Monday: HIIT walk for 15 minutes
  • Tuesday: Power walk for 30 minutes
  • Wednesday: Rest day
  • Thursday: HIIT walk for 15 minutes
  • Friday: Easy walk for 30 minutes
  • Saturday: Rest day
  • Sunday: Rest day

Week Three:

  • Monday: HIIT walk for 30 minutes
  • Tuesday: Power walk for 45 minutes
  • Wednesday: Rest day
  • Thursday: HIIT walk for 15 minutes
  • Friday: Easy walk for 30 minutes
  • Saturday: Rest day
  • Sunday: Rest day

Week Four:

  • Monday: HIIT walk for 30 minutes
  • Tuesday: Power walk for 45 minutes
  • Wednesday: Rest day
  • Thursday: HIIT walk for 30 minutes
  • Friday: Easy walk for 45 minutes
  • Saturday: Rest day
  • Sunday: Rest day

Week Five:

  • Monday: HIIT walk for 30 minutes
  • Tuesday: Power walk for 45 minutes
  • Wednesday: HIIT walk for 30 minutes
  • Thursday: Power walk for 30 minutes
  • Friday: Easy walk for 45 minutes
  • Saturday: Power walk for 30 minutes
  • Sunday: Rest day

Week Six:

  • Monday: HIIT walk for 30 minutes
  • Tuesday: Power walk for 45 minutes
  • Wednesday: HIIT walk for 30 minutes
  • Thursday: Power walk for 30 minutes
  • Friday: Easy walk for 60 minutes
  • Saturday: Power walk for 30 minutes or Rest day
  • Sunday: Rest day
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The amount you need to walk to lose your belly depends on your fitness level. If you are a beginner, start by walking for 20 to 30 minutes a day; later, you can increase your pace and time.

Importance of running to lose Belly Fat

Running is another good way of exercising to burn calories or burn belly fat. Running for three days a week is a great way to burn your fat. You can start with easy running for 10 to 20 minutes in the beginning.

Even if you are new to running you can burn 500 calories per hour. To lose one pound, you need to lose 3500 calories. So you need to run one mile to burn 100 calories. You will lose one pound if you run 5 miles every day for a week. You can burn more calories per hour by running.

If you run faster, you burn extra calories. This helps you to lose your belly fat. If you can run a mile in 6 minutes, you will succeed in losing 1000 calories per hour.

Besides running, you should try to get proper sleep, avoid stress, and control what you eat. Switch to high-calorie foods such as vegetables and fruits.

Types of Running to Lose Belly Fat:

  • Beginner Running: Beginner running is running for five miles per hour, which is 12 minutes per mile. In 30 minutes, you can burn approximately 250 calories, and in 60 minutes, you will be able to burn 500 calories.

  • Intermediate Running: Intermediate running is running about six miles per hour, which is 10 minutes per mile. In 30 minutes, you can burn approximately 315 calories, and in 60 minutes, you will be able to burn 630 calories.

  • Advanced Running: Advanced running is running about 7 to 10 miles per hour. If you are running 7 miles per hour in 30 minutes, you can burn approximately 370 calories, and in 60 minutes, you will be able to burn 740 calories. If you are running 8 miles per hour in 30 minutes, you can burn 520 calories, and in 60 minutes, you will be able to burn 1040 calories. If you are running 10 miles per hour, you can burn 616 calories, and in 60 minutes, you will be able to burn 1232 calories.



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The Following is 8 Weeks Running Plan to burn Belly Fat

Week one:

  • Monday: Fat burning run for 30 minutes
  • Tuesday: Rest day
  • Wednesday: Easy run for 20 minutes
  • Thursday: Fat burning run for 45 minutes
  • Friday: Rest day
  • Saturday: Easy run for 20 minutes
  • Sunday: Rest day

Week Two:

  • Monday: Fat burning run for 35 minutes
  • Tuesday: Rest day
  • Wednesday: Easy run for 20 minutes
  • Thursday: Fat burning run for 50 minutes
  • Friday: Rest day
  • Saturday: Easy run for 20 minutes
  • Sunday: Rest day

Week Three:

  • Monday: Fat burning run for 40 minutes
  • Tuesday: Rest day
  • Wednesday: Easy run for 25 minutes
  • Thursday: Fat burning run for 55 minutes
  • Friday: Rest day
  • Saturday: Easy run for 25 minutes
  • Sunday: Rest day

Week Four:

  • Monday: Fat burning run for 30 minutes
  • Tuesday: Rest day
  • Wednesday: Easy run for 20 minutes
  • Thursday: Fat burning run for 45 minutes
  • Friday: Rest day
  • Saturday: Easy run for 20 minutes
  • Sunday: Rest day

Week Five:

  • Monday: Fat burning run for 45 minutes
  • Tuesday: Rest day
  • Wednesday: Easy run for 30 minutes
  • Thursday: Fat burning run for 60 minutes
  • Friday: Rest day
  • Saturday: Easy run for 30 minutes
  • Sunday: Rest day

Week Six:

  • Monday: Fat burning run for 50 minutes
  • Tuesday: Rest day
  • Wednesday: Easy run for 20 minutes
  • Thursday: Fat burning run for 65 minutes
  • Friday: Rest day
  • Saturday: Easy run for 20 minutes
  • Sunday: Rest day

Week Seven:

  • Monday: Fat burning run for 40 minutes
  • Tuesday: Rest day
  • Wednesday: Easy run for 25 minutes
  • Thursday: Fat burning run for 50 minutes
  • Friday: Rest day
  • Saturday: Easy run for 25 minutes
  • Sunday: Rest day

Week Eight:

  • Monday: Fat burning run for 55 minutes
  • Tuesday: Rest day
  • Wednesday: Easy run for 20 minutes
  • Thursday: Fat burning run for 70 minutes
  • Friday: Rest day
  • Saturday: Easy run for 20 minutes
  • Sunday: Rest day

Running is a high-intensity training by which you can lose most of your fat. It also gives you the flexibility to choose your pace. You can select your running plan according to your fitness level, i.e., six weeks, eight weeks, or ten weeks.

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